Samstag, 31. Oktober 2015

HD Skin...quick News


quick News...Add - On for Mesh Avatar Fina  available !

Demo available in my Store on Great Canadian Grid!

Have a great weekend
Hillie Dyrssen

Freitag, 30. Oktober 2015

News HD Skin


today i have a Mesh Christmas Small Shop,Palm- Snow, for sell on Great Canadian Grid!

Coming soon on Great Canadian Grid


Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen

Freitag, 23. Oktober 2015

New Stores on HD Skin

Good morning,

we have 3 New Stores.......on HD Skin Region !

OK Design

This Tops are Freebie !


Kristiens Clothier


Thank you

Hillie Dyrssen

Montag, 19. Oktober 2015

New Mesh Jeans Desu available!


today i have a new Mesh Jeans Desu in my Store.

She comes in 5 sizes..

Demo available in my Store!

Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen

Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2015

Kitely Merchant Fair 2015

Good morning,

you will find a HG Landmark to the Kitely Merchant Fair 2015 on my Region in 
Great Canadian Grid!

Metaverse News  -  04:44
With just two days left to go before the Kitely Merchant Fair 2015 opens, I have been busy hiding hunt prizes!

With goodies available from 21 Strom, CP, HD Skins, Boos Good Stuff, De Landria Rising, Sweet Distractions, Chicadelic Creations and of course Worlds End.

No hints as to what the prizes are, but all prizes are unisex and over 50% are Exportable to other grids.

Some will be easy to find, others will require more dedicated exploration. ;)

Will you be able to find all 10 chests?

More info will be available on the 18th here:

Mesh Head Rosie coming soon on Great Canadian Grid !

Mesh Head Rosie coming soon......

Developer - Kit is for Fina available!

You become in the packet Fina Mesh Shirt & Mesh Pants..and Templates for design your own Clothes for here, or for selling in your Store, what you like.

You must have the Fina Version from Great Canadian Grid!

Shop in Great Canadian Grid

Thank you

Hillie Dyrssen

Montag, 12. Oktober 2015

Last News today....Mesh Avatare Fina is ready on Great Canadian Grid!

Mesh Avatare Fina ready on Great Canadian Grid!

She comes with 4 different Clothes

Mesh Head



Mesh Lashes

Demo available in my Store!

Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen

We have wounderful Mesh Hair from Enchanted & Mesh Clothing from Donna Anna

Good morning,

we have wounderful Mesh Hairs from Enchanted on HD Skin Region.

Mesh Clothing & Regular Clothing from Donna Anna

By the way, i have Shops free for rent. 

Have a nice week
Hillie Dyrssen

Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2015

Mesh Head Laura Version-2 on Great Canadian Grid ready

Mesh Head Laura with blink Eyes Hud with 4 different Make up ready in Great Canadin Grid!
You become
Mesh Head Laura Version-2 with blink - eyes.
Hud incl.4 different Make -up
Mesh feet ( High)
Mesh shoes
Demo available in my Store!

Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen

Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2015

Quick News..Mesh feet & Mesh Shoes ready

Mesh Feet rigged  & Mesh Shoes

For Mesh Head Laura Version -2

 Kitely -Marketplace

Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen



I have the Shop on Kitely not more..but on Great Canadian Grid.

When you like can you visit here


I surch Designer i have Shops free for rent, please contact me, when you have interess.

Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen

Mesh Head Laura Version-2 ready for Open Sim !


the New Mesh Head Laura Version-2 comes with a Hud 4 different Make Up, ready for Open Sim!

You can buy on Kitely - Marketplace:

The next Step......blink Eyes....Mesh Feet

Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen

Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2015

New Add On For Mesh Head Daniela on Kitely - Marketplace & Shop

I hope in 2-3 weeks i have a Hud ready for Make ups and the Mesh Feet:)

You become Add - On- Make up for Mesh Head Daniela( with hairbase & without hairbase)
All Items are copy! And for Export to another Grids
In Store available too & Demo
Have you questiosn, or problems, please send me a Notcard here in Kitely, or in Second Life.
Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen