Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2016

NEWS HD SKIN Imagine Mesh - Body - Appliers & Nails for Lorena - Skin available!


today i have the Appliers ready for Lorena Skin .

The Appliers are for the Imagine Mesh Body. The Appliers are with a Hud & Nail Appliers!

You can become on the new Main Store from Imagine


Or in my Store


Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2016

OAR for Sale!


i have a OAR for sale...

Its a Mall with 8 Mesh Shops and have 689 Prims!

You can here see:

Or on Great Canadian Grid on my Sim HD Skin 

Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen

Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2016

More from MACCHERONI Creations!


new Items from MACCHERONI Creations!


Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen

Montag, 13. Juni 2016

We have great Games from MACCHERONI Creations!

Good morning,

we have great Games from MACCHERONI Creations on GCG!


Have a nice week
Hillie Dyrssen

Sonntag, 12. Juni 2016

HD Skin is open again in GCG!

Good morning,

i whoud you say HD Skin is in GCG open again!

I have a way found to log in:-)

Have a nice weekend
Hillie Dyrssen

Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2016

Pictures & Landmark for Hypergrid to Zangrid

I have pictures make....that you can see:-)

You can over Hypergrid coming...

Dollies coming too...........

When you like any Items to another Grids, i can you bring, please let me know:

Hello Friends & Customers

Good morning,

      sorry that i must this yet writing, but Great Canadian Grid is not more working for me.

  I have closed HD Skin & Dreamland Estate!

  Thank you all for the Great Time and thank you Blondie:-)

   When its work in the Future, i will coming back

        You can my Items see yet on Zangrid i build a new Store

         I will posted Pictures and Landmark today or tomorow.

            Have a nice day

            Hillie Dyrssen

Freitag, 3. Juni 2016



at the Moment..i can not more log in to GCG!

But with my Mac Computer, but i have not all the Items on the Mac!

Its very sad for me and i have not Idea i leaving this Grid or staying.

I can not work and so on!

You can me see on Zangrid, i build a new Mall and make Lands for rent.

This is what i can do..when you like can you come over Hypergrid

I will posted later Pictures & Landmark 

Have a great time

Hillie Dyrssen