Sonntag, 27. April 2014

New Group Gift

today for WowMeh Mesh Body a Group - Gift Cloth Appelier Corset

WowMeh Cloth- Appelier Corset

Have a nice weekend
Hillie Dyrssen

Donnerstag, 24. April 2014

WowMeh will coming.....


WowMeh Mesh Body Appeliers will coming soon ........

* Fitted Mesh is the new official name to define what it was previous named as: "Liquid Mesh", "Collision-Rigged Mesh" or "Volume-Rigged Mesh"

For more Info please look here

Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen

New Mesh Sale

Good morning,

today a new Mesh - Sale .You can modify, not copy, not transfer. Its gives 2 differents Version, hanging, or standing. Maks bigger or smaller, make another color, or texture, what you like.

See in Store

Have a nice day
Hillie Dyrssen

Samstag, 19. April 2014

New Relase...Skin Lisa

New Relase Skin Lisa......incl.

Phat Azz Appeliers
Lolas Appleliers
SLINK Feet - Hand Appeliers
Facelight Hud

 In World :

Mittwoch, 16. April 2014

New Location

Hello Friends,

HD Skin have a new Location.............

Happy Easter Gift

I wish you all a HAPPY EASTER ! 
Happy Easter Gift from HD Skin is a Rabbit- Costume with Skin. 
Go inworld and grab your free Gift 
This Gift will you become inworld in my Store.

Have fun with here:) 
Thank you

Dienstag, 1. April 2014

Naomi is-out now ...........

Naomi mit Phat Azz & Lolas Tangos
SIE Konnen Naomi tragen mit Phat Azz & Tango Lolas. SIE Wann & Mesh Head, Mesh-Obermaterial, Phat Azz Haut Appeliers, Phat Azz Jeans Kleidung Appeliers & Skin Appeliers Naomi Formular in Zwei Unterschiedlich, Größe, Aber your Formular Konnen Auch SIE zu tragen, WENN SIE dergleichen.
Bei Fragen oder problemen, fragen Sie mich please, danke Hillie Dyrssen