Sonntag, 30. August 2015

New Mesh House on Kitely Marktplace

Mesh Beach House on Kitely Marktplace

The next Mesh House is a Beach House. Its comes in 5 different Colors, you buy 5 Mesh Houses in white, blue, rose, brown,mint.
You can place for you little Store or Shop, or on the Beach.etc.
Have you questiosn, or problems, please send me a Notcard here in Kitely, or in Second Life.
Thank you
Hillie Dyrssen

Sonntag, 23. August 2015

New Mesh Shop & Beach House on Kitely Marketplace


you can on Kitely  Marketplace a New Mesh Shop & Beach House buy. Demo is available too & for Export to another Grids!

                                                       Mesh Shop Version-1

Kitely Marktplace

Kitely Shop Inworld


Beach House

Kitely Marktplace

Kitely Shop Inworld


Have a nice week
Hillie Dyrssen